yerrr....early in the morning then need go tuition liao...
I want to go watch ghost movie...
so liang accompany me go Sunway watch lur~~
We watch THE UNBELIEVABLE(怪谈)...
scary dou~~>~<'' but when start tat time quite boring de...
This movie is 18PL one.
Then we buy the ticket by ourselves.
No one ask me ''are you 18??'' leh!!!!
waaakaka!!!means wat?? i mature liao lorh~~xD(very chou pi...>.<'')
Saw chun yuen dicko them....
chun yuen DOW GAY...act like 17 pls...=.=
looks juz try lur...>.<''
not so tasty cz too sweet liao...
cost RM8.90...EXPENSIVE nehhh!!!>0< . .
=.='''...he looking leng lui...
hehehe...sorry err liang...
出卖you agian liao...xD
but nvm larh...
i like marh can ler lorh...hehe paisay nia~xD
tat's all for today lur!!!